Invitation to Paul Garner lecture: “Evidence synthesis for global health and Developing guidelines: examples from WHO, India and Kenya”

Invitation to Open Lecture

Date: Friday, July 14th 2017,  1.00 pm

Venue: Room 220B  School of Medicine.

Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Topic: “Evidence synthesis for global health and Developing guidelines:   examples from WHO, India and Kenya”

Cochrane STI, the Clinical Epidemiology Master´s program and Clinical Research Institute of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia have the pleasure of inviting to a lecture  to be delivered by Dr. Paul Garner.

Paul Garner is responsible for the Centre for Evidence Synthesis at the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine and has helped to establish Cochrane. At the moment, he is the Co-ordinating Editor of the Cochrane Infectious Diseases Group, and lead a network of over 300 people synthesizing research to inform global, regional and national policies in tropical infections and conditions relevant to middle and low income countries. He works closely with the World Health Organization and several countries in guideline development, and have honorary Professorship appointments with Chongqing, Vellore, and Stellenbosch Universities.

Editors and peer-referees workshop.

Paul will also be a facilitator of a workshop with editors and peer-referees of Cochrane STI in order to have the latest training in the editorial process of STI/HIV reviews.